This is a template for making a new spice page, it can be copy/pasted into the new spice page for an easy way to make the base page ====Description==== This is where the basic description of the spice we are talking about ===plant parts used=== ===visual description=== ===cultural and geographic origins=== keep it basic and it can be elaborated on later ====Constituents==== what are the active compounds in the spice ===List=== ====Sensory Experience==== This is where the taste, scent and effect on the palate is described. ==Aromatics== Profile of the flavor and scent ==high== ==mid== ==base== ===Taste=== The qualities of the primary taste senses and how pronounced they are ==Sour== ==Sweet== ==Salty== ==Savory== ==Bitter== ===Sensory Effects=== ==spiciness== ==cooling== ==astringency== ==numbing== ====Culinary Function==== This elaborates on the cultural and geographic origins of the spice. ===Parts we use and how=== How to use the spice and in which forms we use it in personally ===Recipes=== A mix of cultural recipes and our own recipes that have been hashed out, these can link to other pages for the recipe ==Experiments=== Put things like it goes well with, I use it like this kinda stuff ====Practicality==== how useful the spice is compared to other relatives, the price and rarity. ===Availability=== ===Cost=== ===Similarity to other spices=== ====Notes==== Put all of the footnotes and tangents or research here ~M